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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

Fishing Why Do I Fish Uhh Why Do You Breathe Vintage Retro Shirt

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 Eventually, his lungs were like "Shit, there's stuff we're supposed to do." So they took him out of the coma and the Fishing Why Do I Fish Uhh Why Do You Breathe Vintage Retro Shirt rest of his organs remembered their jobs and they grafted a mix of shark cartilage and bovine... Something, onto the open wound. Many months later he left the hospital. He has drop foot and some other stuff wrong with him from being immobile for so long, but you can't keep a part shark, part cow, all badass human down. He's way more active than he had been before and 100% awesome. Buy it: Fishing Why Do I Fish Uhh Why Do You Breathe Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Volleyball Moms Bling It And Their Daughters Bring It Vintage Retro Shirt

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 Love the drawing and colors, but the combination of a Volleyball Moms Bling It And Their Daughters Bring It Vintage Retro Shirt very defined abs outer wall/outline with a lack of definition for the abs themselves (rectus abdominis) makes it look kinda weird and unfinished Just wanted to drop in and say this is one of the best league fanarts I've ever seen. Akali is hella cute as is, but your art made her look even better. I hope it's okay that I'm using this as my desktop background. Buy it:  Volleyball Moms Bling It And Their Daughters Bring It Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Golf The Older I Get The Harder It Is To Find My Balls Vintage Retro Shirt

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 That's highly unlikely to Golf The Older I Get The Harder It Is To Find My Balls Vintage Retro Shirt happen though. If Biden wins, worst case for Dems is probably losing the Senate 49-51. In that case, I think McConnell goads Biden into nominating Garland again and confirming him. It is right up Biden’s alley if he knows the Republicans still have the Senate and he’ll say he is righting the injustice of four years ago. By blocking it for two years, the election will become a referendum on the Senate being functional. And if they lose that, Biden will be able to nominate someone. Buy it:  Golf The Older I Get The Harder It Is To Find My Balls Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Good Feeling Blacknificent Shirt

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 So I've done a Good Feeling Blacknificent Shirt lot of different things over the past 2 years. I started with keto and IF and then switched to OMAD for a couple of months. That's how I lost my first 35 lbs. I then switched to calorie counting and continued IF and increased my activity and (slowly) the intensity of my workouts. I tried extended water fast and lost 7 lbs but I pretty much almost died so never doing that again. I currently eat low-carb at 1200 cals per day excluding one cheat day a week. I eat two meals a day (plus 1 cup of coffee and 1 cup of tea a day). Buy it:  Good Feeling Blacknificent Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Tops Supermarket Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt

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 What saddens me about the new store policies (Kroger is just the latest) is that it's probably going to Tops Supermarket Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt be the floor employees who will have to enforce them. Those employees are the ones who will have to contend with the belligerent "customers" who refuse to comply. And they'll have to be nice/diplomatic about it, too -- can't just tell potential "customers" to "mask up or GTFO". Yeah honestly even if it's just a practical decision for them in the long-term (or whatever motivated it)I. I care about the safety of my staff and my customers and regulars. If one of my employees doesn’t feel comfortable with confrontation, I have told them to get my attention immediately. Buy it:  Tops Supermarket Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

If You Could End Coronavirus By Sacrificing One Band Which Band Would It Be And Why Would It Be Nickelback Shirt

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 Once the album is out it has to sell a certain amount to If You Could End Coronavirus By Sacrificing One Band Which Band Would It Be And Why Would It Be Nickelback Shirt repay the “loan” you got to make it. But also it’s near impossible to meet any goals because album sales have become trash in the last couple of decades, because why wouldn’t you just buy the individual songs that you like? The future is now, my dudes. The artist could do all the advertising themselves, but then they would have to pay for it. Record label gets a share of every single dollar, no matter how it’s made. T-shirts, bumper stickers, pins, custom phone cases, whatever. Doesn’t matter that they had no part in making it, they still profit from it. Buy it:  If You Could End Coronavirus By Sacrificing One Band Which Band Would It Be And Why Would It Be Nickelback Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Cute Shut Up And Pitch Shirt

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Belarus basically set up their infrastructure to Cute Shut Up And Pitch Shirt be intentionally brittle. The whole country only has a single IX in Minsk. They can literally just take an ax to the cables in one building and effectively take down external Internet connectivity for the entire country. No clever VPN setup will connect you to Twitter through an unplugged cable. This will mean people aren't at home watching Netflix, which may increase the number of people on the streets. But it will also mean almost nobody has meant to Livestream what the authorities are doing to all those people in the streets, so there won't be much International outrage and pushback Buy it:  Cute Shut Up And Pitch Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Nice Baking Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Shirt

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 This is, sadly, completely accurate. And, it's not something we even think about. We just do it. It's bizarre. Then you run into an issue where its confronted (a Nice Baking Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Shirt recipe uses C° for oven temp, or something needs you to enter height in cm/weight in kg) and you're just like, well damn. I should know this. And it will never change, as we will always teach our kids what we know, and like hell, I'm going to figure out how to make my oven Celsius every time the power goes out, and convert all my recipes. Fuck that noise. The only thing I would argue is the weight for light objects can be measured in both lbs and kg (I purchase flour in kg, Buy it:  Nice Baking Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Some Girls Go Riding And Drink Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Girls Shirt

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 One time she called me to Some Girls Go Riding And Drink Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Girls Shirt meet up with her at the mall, so I went. When I met her there the first thing she asks me is if I could drive her to her friend's place 40 mins away. My jaw dropped. I said I couldn't, and I left her there. She texts me complaining about how she had to take the bus, I never responded and stopped communicating with her. Haven't heard from her since. I know that gut punch. I was with 2 guy friends at our mall one time (years ago in jr. High). A small group of girls started following us. So we stopped and waited to see what they would do. Eventually, 1 comes over and says that she and her friends think we're cute and can they have our numbers. Buy it:  Some Girls Go Riding And Drink Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Girls Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

HEB Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate all days shirt

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 I used to do community therapy work and this is how they worked with us. Do what they wanted or they wouldn’t come when we called them about patients. We called multiple times on a HEB Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate all days shirt person who ended up killing their family member. Police ignored us because they were throwing a tantrum about some ER drama with one social worker. We also have issues with the jails refusing to give patients most of their meds. They just watch them get worse and then send them to a. Buuy it:  HEB Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate all days shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

The Home Depot Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt

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 The easiest way to avoid cats killing other animals? Keeping them indoors. The kitty gets to The Home Depot Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt live, they live a safer life, and they don’t kill other animals. You cannot feed a cat a vegan diet, but you can avoid some death on their part by letting them live a life indoors. No animal is more important than the next, so that way, everyone wins. This is the part that's crazy to me. She went vegan because she doesn't want animals to die, and she's now trying to shun all animals that are carnivores, and wanting them to die? Sounds like she doesn't want to save the animals, and instead just wants to end all carnivores. More likely. Buy it:  The Home Depot Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Hy Vee Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt

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 The last few weeks have really damaged their credibility in a Hy Vee Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt huge way, like Buffalo PD lying about that old man they brutalized and having the video proving it blow up immediately afterward. At this point, I imagine there are a lot fewer people willing to automatically side with the cops. What does it mean when the nation with the most incarcerated population on earth is showing a. Buy it:  Hy Vee Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Joann Fabric and Craft Stores Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt

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 A huge part is also "social responsibility" where people will do something of minor inconvenience that does more good for society as a Joann Fabric and Craft Stores Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt whole. If the vast majority of the population has this then the rest of the population who doesn't will automatically be shamed into compliance. New Yorkers have a decent sense of social responsibility when it comes to masks but oddly enough most of these fuckers will still leave their grocery carts wherever they please. I think it's the cause of the broken mentality of "well it keeps the cart collector guy employed". Smh. When I worked in a grocery store "the cart. Buy it:  Joann Fabric and Craft Stores Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Awesome Bluey Dad Shirt

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 I agree with Awesome Bluey Dad Shirt this. ASAP! While there are still marks on your face! Can’t dispute physical evidence on your face. Was she wear fake nails? If so, did they break? I have “fake” nails and it’s a bitch trying to get blood, food particles, etc out from them. Blood also stains, so maybe the inside of her nail might have red? Long shot I know! I am disappointed with my mom. If my dad was not there I would have gotten my ass kicked while my mom watched. At least you know you have a great dad. Buy it:  Awesome Bluey Dad Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Good Accept Love Understand Diamond Shirt

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 I can't understand that. The whole world has Italy as the early warning and the US just ignored it for months, had a Good Accept Love Understand Diamond Shirt half-hearted lockdown, and then (currently) tried a soft re-open of the country. That soft re-open was what Italy tried and then their hospitals in the North were overrun. Northern Italy has a fucking stellar healthcare system and they couldn't handle the influx. The US leadership saw that happen, took few or no.leasures to stop it from happening at home, and said "I take no responsibility at all". We were totally unprepared. It's a tactic Putin is well-known for. Putin doesn't have to convince the people of Russia that things are going well; He just has to convince them that things are just as bad everywhere else. Buy it:  Good Accept Love Understand Diamond Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Albartsons Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt

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 We still really don’t know for sure... but based on Albartsons Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt the genetic data it seems like viruses found in pangolins are the closest match to the original human infecting strains, but bats are close too and are a known host animal for a number of SARS-like coronavirus viruses. We don’t have conclusive evidence though and probably never will unless we are very lucky. Pangolins are not easy animals to find and we don’t know exactly where the original zoonotic host came from. Saying all of that. The movie is rough but I think the problem is that the majority of people who saw it never saw the original play. I won't say the play is amazing but its above-average. However, the movie version has a lot of problems, and it's mainly CGI. Buy it:  Albartsons Grumpy Cat and Garfield I Hate All Days Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Cute Peace Love Flamingos Diamond Shirt

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 I have kicked, punched, and thrown geese on Cute Peace Love Flamingos Diamond Shirt this campus. One was attacking my at-the-time girlfriend, and it actually nipped her and she started to bleed pretty bad from her leg, and I punted that shit into next week and took her back to my dorm to sterilize the wound and patch it up.  Then their alarms start going off and they begin offensive procedures. You either have to play defense or counter-strike. I did that on purpose!" Damn, I'm glad that flamingo didn't break its neck. Its neck didn't look good. Two birds crashed into the big picture window at my last house - I ended getting some decals for the glass, hawk silhouettes, that are translucent to human eyes but look dark in the wavelengths birds see. Buy it:  Cute Peace Love Flamingos Diamond Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Snoopy And Friends Embody Horror Character Halloween Shirt

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 I expect Trump to do something worse than we've ever seen, something mind-blowingly blatantly evil and corrupt the Snoopy And Friends Embody Horror Character Halloween Shirt day before the election, causing Democrats to flood the streets in protest. He'll have his DHS goons staged in every major city to arrest everyone they can and detain them through election day. Ratfucking mail-in voting is just the part we can observe now. J checking IDs and generally intimidating voters. Wait for 6+ hour lines to vote. Wait for Trump to prematurely declare victory a few hours after polls close on election night. The three months after the election are going to be wild; he won’t concede and it will be months of lawyers and chaos. Then when it comes time to swear in a new president, time to test the waters on a coup. Buy it : Snoopy And Friends Embody Horror Character Halloween Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

The Little Mermaid Face Mask Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Shirt

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 I was Mermaid Man for a The Little Mermaid Face Mask Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Shirt party last year and nailed the Wumbo thing. I had an old shoulder mic from a 2-way radio that I was able to salvage the clip from. The clip has detents so it snaps into position in 90-degree increments. I used that to attach my belt buckle so it'd rotate and lock in place in either orientation. In the Brother's Grimm that ending is for Snow White's evil stepmother. She's invited to the prince's wedding not knowing Snow White is his wife, and she's forced to dance to her death in hot iron shoes at the wedding reception. Sounds horrible but she did pay a hitman to kill the rightful heir and then attempted homicide of said heir by poison. Buy it:  The Little Mermaid Face Mask Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

The Nightmare Before Christmas Characters Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Shirt

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 I’ve brought this up so many times and I get to The Nightmare Before Christmas Characters Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Shirt do it again. After the death of Mr Clause, she needs to be removed from the position. Of course, she knows all about what’s going on in the North Pole so the elves will sacrifice her to keep their operation a secret. needing to marry-until the last possible moment. He did not want to go through that shit again so soon if the new Santa failed Just measure from where the mask will rest on your nose to the tip of your beard. Then measure the existing mask pattern and add the extra inches. Don't forget to add enough seam allowances or it will be too short. It should be large enough to cover the whole beard and even curl under a bit to keep everything contained. My husband prefers tie-on masks but you can use elastic too. Good luck, wash your hands and don't forget your masks. Buy it:  The Nightmare Before Christmas Characters Stay Home And Watch Disney...

The Winnie The Pooh Face Mask Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Shirt

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They aren't gonna dump everything they own at The Winnie The Pooh Face Mask Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Shirt once. You figure Disney alone has been putting out content for a century. Add in ABC, NatGeo, ESPN, Fox, and every other studio they own you have hundreds upon hundreds of years worth of content. If they dumped it all people would complain they couldn't find anything. Buy it:  The Winnie The Pooh Face Mask Stay Home And Watch Disney Movies Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Top Skull Black Cat I Hate People Shirt

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Listen cocksucka, why you always talking about gorillas? One time I saw a Top Skull Black Cat I Hate People Shirt gorilla in North Bergan, New Jersey in 1984. I was selling coke to this Puerto Rican guy behind a gas station I used to rob and outcomes this gorilla that dragged him into the bushes. I neva saw that mook again Jack but ever since then I get PTSD so I dONT WANNA HEAR ANYMORE ABOUT THE FUCKING GORILLAS JOE ROGAN! Now this broad could yank a pipe like you wouldn't believe. She'd jack off me and my buddy Elvis (we called him Elvis because he liked to fuck 14-year-olds HAHA!) Anyway she'd jack us both off together like a professional skier chasing a gold. Joe Rogan, we'd nut within seconds of each other every fucking time, Buy it:  Top Skull Black Cat I Hate People Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

The Temptations 60th Anniversary 1960-2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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 Another mostly forgotten thing, when I was in college you had to The Temptations 60th Anniversary 1960-2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt get prepaid calling cards to call home. Sometimes when they were on sale you could make long-distance calls cheaper than any other carrier. We had one system built-in at the college that billed your account but it was cheaper to get calling cards at Walmart or gas stations. I went to high school in a different town than I lived in, 11 miles away, if the office was closed I had to use a payphone in the gym to call home when the practice was done for a ride. I'd just call collect and say "Come get me" and hang up. Worked like a charm. There are tons and tons of people who do not take elections seriously at all. Do you have any idea how many "Mickey Mouse" write-ins there are, every single year? For the past few years, "Harambe" write-ins have had a substantial presence as well. My brother told me he wrot...

NIice And By ‘K’ I Mean Fuck You Shirt

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These are definitely jokes but the joke stems from people putting ridiculous stuff on NIice And By ‘K’ I Mean Fuck You Shirt their guns to make it look tactical aka the ‘tacti-cool’ slur. Majority of these people will place anything that looks cool, regardless of its practicality. Also, I’m generalizing, but that community cares more about how the gun looks then how they or the gun preforms. Chock full of "military grade", "used by our boys overseas", and of course, "tactical". Then the obligatory demo of how the average. Buy it:  NIice And By ‘K’ I Mean Fuck You Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Uninstall And Reinstall 2020 It Has A Virus Vintage Shirt

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 The avalanche of media outlets offering their content for Apple’s mobile devices demonstrates that Flash is no longer necessary to Uninstall And Reinstall 2020 It Has A Virus Vintage Shirt watch the video or consume any kind of web content. And the 250,000 apps on Apple’s App Store proves that Flash isn’t necessary for tens of thousands of developers to create graphically rich applications, including games. Buy it:  Uninstall And Reinstall 2020 It Has A Virus Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Praise Him With Loud Cymbals Drummer Vintage Retro Shirt

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 What’s amazing is that he took a quote that didn’t come from Hitler and openly attributed it to Praise Him With Loud Cymbals Drummer Vintage Retro Shirt Hitler. As dumb as it would be, I could understand taking a quote Hitler said and not realizing he said it, but the shit starts out with “Hitler said:” And he’s gonna skate on it while Drew Brees was called every name in the book for saying “I personally won’t kneel for the flag.” We live in strange, strange times. I watched the video. Buy it:  Praise Him With Loud Cymbals Drummer Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Cat And Book Happy Murica Day Shirt

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 The wife and I both have health problems, nothing major, but we have a Cat And Book Happy Murica Day Shirt really nice teen come over to do yard work. Last time he was here, he mentioned he had to walk into town as his mom's car was overheating. This morning my wife picked him up to do some mowing and weeding. When he was done she asked if his mom's car was running, to which he replied they hadn't even tried to start it. My wife asked if I would take him home and take a look at the car. I did so, and it was just a matter of low radiator fluid, but that mom had been afraid to. Buy it:  Cat And Book Happy Murica Day Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

I Was A Soldier I Will Always Be A Soldier Veteran Shirt

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 I remember years ago watching cops and some guys were drunk being assholes on an I Was A Soldier I Will Always Be A Soldier Veteran Shirt beach. They were harassing people and saying they were marines. After a few minutes, he called the base or recruitment office in the area and found out the idiots had just enlisted a few days prior and hadn't even started boot camp yet  Jumped down off one of those rope&wall obstacles (like in Officer and a Gentleman) and blew out his knee. This was right in the middle of the Gulf War, and he can legitimately claim injured gulf war veteran status. He used it to get an automatic hire from the US Census- twice. That's like saying you got one college credit in chemistry so you are a rocket scientist now. Buy it:  I Was A Soldier I Will Always Be A Soldier Veteran Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Official I'm Not An Alcoholic But My Friends Are So When They Drink I Do Too Cause I'm Supportive Like That Shirt

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 We all know in an Official I'm Not An Alcoholic But My Friends Are So When They Drink I Do Too Cause I'm Supportive Like That Shirtmonth or so we're going to find out that Ghislaine Maxwell was "overcome by guilt" and killed herself, and strangely, all the monitors and guards will be mysteriously absent. Just as we knew with Epstein. Same thing they did with the Panama papers too, where they ignored it entirely and then openly. Buy it:  Official I'm Not An Alcoholic But My Friends Are So When They Drink I Do Too Cause I'm Supportive Like That Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Official All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Camping And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt

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 And her Imagination Library is another way she does it. Her company will donate books to Official All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Camping And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt anyone everyone from birth to age five free of charge. Not everyone needs to use their platform to speak out against injustices to do good. Dolly Parton has used get platform to get out more free books to kids than anyone else. My wife is from Tennessee and grew up looking forward to getting her book in the mail every month. She’s the first college grad in the family and went to get her masters. She worked her ass off, so I don’t want to diminish her achievements but I like to think Dolly Parton’s book program helped her learn to enjoy education. Buy it:  Official All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Camping And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Raccoon Eat Trash Hail Satan Shirt

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He's also into Warhammer plastic crack and other really nerdy stuff. It's nice to Raccoon Eat Trash Hail Satan Shirt to have people like him showing off hobbies that are generally sneered at by people. It should also show us nerds that we can game and pursue nerd stuff but also take care of our fitness too. I like Henry for all that. I remember the August 2018 hailstorm well. Cost me two cars, a roof, and a concussion trying to save my dogs.  I was going to volunteer at the zoo when that storm happened but decided to go to work instead  That one decision saved my truck from going from my daily driver to a. Buy it:  Raccoon Eat Trash Hail Satan Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Nice Run The Jewels Shirt

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 I attended a five-day training with a big group from a Nice Run The Jewels Shirt Utah government agency and they could barely get through the required course activities that paired them with women. Their visible discomfort with any professional interactions with women in dated in their workplace, in a state government agency. I have the. Back when Kamala was Attorney General, she worked closely with Beau. I watched as they took on the big banks, lifted up working people, and protected women and kids from abuse. I was proud then, and I'm proud now to have her as my partner in this campaign Buy it:  Nice Run The Jewels Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Bandit Heeler This Is What An Awesome Poppy Looks Like Shirt

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 My grandfather told me this on Bandit Heeler This Is What An Awesome Poppy Looks Like Shirt my first visit to NYC when we were in Chinatown and he could not have been more wrong. I've had good authentic Chinese food but not at the place we went. This place was packed because it was cheap. But many of them have a secret Chinese menu you can ask for, with more authentic food for Chinese immigrants. It's usually written in Chinese and they don't like to give it out usually Not really. Chinese food is a local thing. Moved from one big city to the next. I can’t find good Chinese food anyway. The level of spice is different. The hot and sour soup is sourer than umami. I’m not a happy camper since moving back is not an option. Buy it:  Bandit Heeler This Is What An Awesome Poppy Looks Like Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Social Distance 6ft Stop Spread The Word Not The Virus Shirt

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This is not how this works mods, censorship of a Social Distance 6ft Stop Spread The Word Not The Virus Shirt word doesn’t remove ill intent. As words/slurs are deemed “too offensive” and are replaced by new “kinder” and more “inclusive” words these new words soon become offensive themselves. Cause it’s not the word itself that’s the problem, this the meaning and intent that’s behind them. The word retard was deemed offensive and was to be replaced with “differently-abled”, this new term can and sometimes have been used as. Buy it:  Social Distance 6ft Stop Spread The Word Not The Virus Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Eat Sleep Tik Tok Repeat Shirt

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 Damn dude. I'm an Eat Sleep Tik Tok Repeat Shirt professor who has been teaching 300+ students for 15 years. Assuming that half didn't want to be there in the first place (a generous assumption), I'm up to $225,000 without changing my behavior. My guess is that some of my colleagues who teach more auditorium-style or high enrollment online classes are many multiple millionaires under this scenario. I once had an 8 am calculus. Buy it : Eat Sleep Tik Tok Repeat Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

In Case Of Accident My Blood Type Is Pepsi Shirt

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 I had a pencil lead in my face for 16 years that kept being mistaken for an In Case Of Accident My Blood Type Is Pepsi Shirt raised blue mole. It looked and felt solid, but when I had it removed it was not. What hadn't become part of my skin like tattoo ink was basically sand. They cut around it to remove all dyed skin and the mush of graphite. Turns out it had punctured his heart and he would have bled out if he had pulled it out. Buy it:  In Case Of Accident My Blood Type Is Pepsi Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

I May Live In The Usa But My Story Began In Guatemala Shirt

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 My mom and I recently watched one of those 20/20 shows, and they were talking about an I May Live In The Usa But My Story Began In Guatemala Shirt woman who went out drinking one night and was never seen again. She had gone back to one guy's apartment, but hotel footage showed her leave shortly after arriving, and the guy in the apartment swore he didn't do anything to her.  But they kept interviewing this one guy, who was the last guy to see her alive.  He played the whole "If I had only known, I wouldn't have let her go!" act, with tears and everything.  Buy it:  I May Live In The Usa But My Story Began In Guatemala Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

LGBT Biden Joe President Shirt

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 I think a big part of this is that basically nobody is 100% good. Nearly everybody is LGBT Biden Joe President Shirt living in these shades of grey. Influenced by their upbringing, religion, beliefs, experiences, etc. Trying to do what they think is right to them. But what is right to you may not be right to me. Your experiences may be vastly different from mine. Though I have learned their ways and cultural values through my study of history, I could not have begun to understand the challenges I would face in my attempt to unify them and work towards a common goal. Buy it:  LGBT Biden Joe President Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Jesus And Me A Bond That Can’t Be Broken Shirt

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 Not always, but there are certainly several times when that's the case! We definitely have a long history of bad people in power calling innocent people malefactors who deserve to Jesus And Me A Bond That Can’t Be Broken Shirt die and subsequently using that as the excuse for executing them. That's why we should always look at each situation with a keen eye instead of just throwing all our weight in one direction or the. Buy it:  Jesus And Me A Bond That Can’t Be Broken Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Nice Need More Sleep Panda Shirt

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 Damn dude. I'm a professor who has been teaching 300+ students for 15 years. Assuming that half didn't want to Nice Need More Sleep Panda Shirt to be there in the first place (a generous assumption), I'm up to $225,000 without changing my behavior. My guess is that some of my colleagues who teach more auditorium-style or high enrollment online classes are many multiple millionaires under this scenario. Buy it:  Nice Need More Sleep Panda Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

I’m Joe Biden And I Forgot This Message Shirt

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 After dinner one of my older brothers made it an I’m Joe Biden And I Forgot This Message Shirt thing where he would always try to pull on my legs as I try to run up the stairs (away from him). His daily dose of making sure I got enough tough love I guess. I would make a lot of noise so my parents would call on us to quit it. Then he would make fun of me for. Buy it:  I’m Joe Biden And I Forgot This Message Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Lgbt Bear That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt

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 Honestly dude its all basically Seattle. All of the cities around that area have just crunched together to Lgbt Bear That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt the point you can't tell where one stops and another starts. And like any place there are going to be good and bad neighborhoods I wonder why would a company prefer to not want to show or bring too much attention to a video of their own employees putting their mucus inside their customer's drinks.. Buy it:  Lgbt Bear That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

I Don’t Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Rider And Beer Vintage Shirt

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 There's a lot more to your religious welfare scam than you know. In order to I Don’t Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Rider And Beer Vintage Shirt get upgraded from cult to religion, legally speaking, it takes a fairly significant sized congregation as well as clergy on staff. Then there are associated legal costs on it, and at the end of the day, you're really better off begging your own adherents. Seeing as how Detroit techno is a. Buy it:  I Don’t Need Therapy I Just Need To Go Rider And Beer Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Official Trumpkin Make Halloween Great Again Shirt

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The hair on fire with Australia on Official Trumpkin Make Halloween Great Again Shirt one side and the Amazon on the other. Wear an inflated bubble suit around the body with spikes sticking out like the virus, with a window in the middle to show off the swarm of locusts inside it. Blue police pants on one leg with crowd control mace in the pocket, and the other leg with a BLM slogan and pelted with rubber bullets. Add in a picture of a peach wearing a trump wig on the upper back, and have a drone. Buy it:  Official Trumpkin Make Halloween Great Again Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Riding My Horse Solves Most Of My Problems Drinking Wine Solves The Rest Shirt

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 Absolutely this: My brother bought a Riding My Horse Solves Most Of My Problems Drinking Wine Solves The Rest Shirt brand new jet boat. The damn driveshaft failed on the thing! It was under mfg warranty and they said they had NEVER seen anything like that happen on a jet boat. It was in their shop for months while they talked with the manufacturer and figured out how to fix it. (they didn't know because it had never happened). If Yamaha decided not to cover it then my brother would have been. Buy it:  Riding My Horse Solves Most Of My Problems Drinking Wine Solves The Rest Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Donald Trump Drinks Clorox Shirt

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One of my friends in high school voted for Trump during our second year of college. He grew up in a Donald Trump Drinks Clorox Shirt conservative household, was brian washed, and really wanted a Republican court even though he knew Trump was a moron. Then he switched about 2 years later to be totally democratic. To quote him, he said “I looked up every issue I cared about and all the facts behind it.  Then he switched about 2 years later to be totally democratic. To quote him, he said “I looked up every issue I cared about and all the facts behind it. Then life calmed down and I started having time to pay attention to the world around me and suddenly we were years into his presidency and nothing had changed. The world was not a better place, the things everyone was afraid of that I laughed off as garbage or impossible had happened. The things I made excuses for never stopped. Buy it:  Donald Trump Drinks Clorox Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - C...

Mickey I Don’t Care What Day It Is It’s Early I Want Dr Pepper Shirt

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 The Democratic Party complaint also included affidavits from six a Mickey I Don’t Care What Day It Is It’s Early I Want Dr Pepper Shirt individuals The lawyer in question is female. She was filmed running paperwork in at the last moment. It's much better to base an opinion on facts rather than just being pro or anti. We'll see if any of the specifics come to light. Automatic complicity or not, the entire maneuver is an attack on the democratic process. In Texas, there is a law that says that if you are signing to get someone on the Primary ballot you are agreeing that you are not able to vote in a different Primary (i.e. you're getting someone on the Dem ballot, you can't vote in the Rep primary). If you do you can be criminally charged. Buy it:  Mickey I Don’t Care What Day It Is It’s Early I Want Dr Pepper Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Vote Like Your Ancestors Died For It Shirt

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 I've seen ancient methods of drilling larger stones, where they have a Vote Like Your Ancestors Died For It Shirt bow, and the string is looped around a straight stick. You hold the top of the stick with a piece of stone or something and you push and pull the bow to turn the stick. You drop sand or grit into the hole as you drill to grind away the stone. Possibly the Denisovans had a similar method I went to a Native American exhibition a few years ago, and they had these drills set up for people to try. To my amazement, it only took about 45 seconds to drill through a 3/8” piece of river shale. I too thought that dates sounded a little odd. 40,000-year-old bracelet, but what I’m finding on quick google searches is that Denisovan could have been alive 30k-14.5k years ago, which lines up. Buy iit:  Vote Like Your Ancestors Died For It Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

Nice Mitchmacs Shirt

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 Thank you for the outpouring of love everyone! This has really helped to Nice Mitchmacs Shirt calm my wife and I down. So following your advice I called my lender to see if we could back out of our loan, she said we could not/ it would be incredibly difficult. After a lot of self-reflection and panic honestly, we chose to call our builder and see if he could get us the neighbors number. I’m planning on calling tomorrow and trying to bury the “hatchet”. The wife is baking cookies in our apartment right now to give the neighbors, we really want to believe this was a misunderstanding and we just got off on the wrong foot. Lastly, I’m definitely getting a security system and we already own plenty of guns. Buy it:  Nice Mitchmacs Shirt \ Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt

I Have Three Titles Mom Grandma And Great Grandma And I Rock All Three Shirt

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 If any place is perfectly suited at creating an I Have Three Titles Mom Grandma And Great Grandma And I Rock All Three Shirt widespread coronavirus breakout, it's schools. I haven't truly figured out why. I have to think and do some research, but I'm too fucking tired and beaten down by everything going on. Homeschooling can be great in theory, but in practice, it just lets insular cults control and brainwash their young. Those poor kids never stand a chance. Hadn’t considered that the GOP sees the trend of left-leaning younger people and used COVID to reduce their opposition. I guess it will kill older Repubs but collateral damage or something I guess.  There is no way that is the intention. An even worse outbreak would kill way more elderly people than schoolchildren, even if the outbreak starts in schools. Buy it:  I Have Three Titles Mom Grandma And Great Grandma And I Rock All Three Shirt Premium Trending Shirt this is season:  Fanatictees - Custom - T- shirt